Wednesday, July 29, 2020

                              To commemorate for the World health day

Focusing On Our Health As We Celebrate "World Health Day" On April 7th -  Unicity Healthcare 

Months in roll, every day begins with the Corona fever,
Whole world in despair, all the mankind in quiver,
Millions still sick, thousands and more gone for ever
Self distance and quarantine ensures a life sans fear.

All in vogue now, Oh!,the virus and its vice unyielding,
Every lab in tireless pursuit, all for the clinical testing,
Unheard and unseen before, the brains all thinking,
The remedy wanting still, hospitals full and flooding.

Marking the virus and masking it and from it anyway
Keeping the public aware to mask their face everyday
Masks differ, filtering off the virus to keep them at bay,
N95 masks, the King has the final say to keep all at bay.

Basics learned of late, masks will truly reign us all day,
A mask a day keeps every one healthy and gay all day,
Droplets with virus in stall as the masks show their way,
Mask is the rule of the day, be in future for every day.
Nature is great, serve us every minute, we oft fail to see
Sun, moon, air and all help us, day in and out for free,
We, humans break this cycle, for our cause with spree.
Animals, birds share our space, we kill them with glee.

We all built houses, one too many, spoiling the surround,
Killing the wild, letting loose the viruses to roam around,
Pollute the air, roam everywhere with no mask around,
Breathing fresh air now, ironically with masks all around.

Sunday, July 26, 2020


Every lazy mind, I presume not always a devil’s workshop
This famous quote is rewritten, for my cause for sure,
Yours truly was ruminating for some time and in a hop,
A sudden click, yes, the cliché is ready, the title is here.

Every man is indebted to a woman, sans an iota of doubt,
Was in the elevator for a while, suddenly the power is gone,
Amidst the darkness, I spotted an Indian lady in her womb
A fetus in her trimester phase, breathing in a heavy tone.
A momentary darkness, Alas! my poetic wings in aplomb.
Darkness, all around the womb, Oh! with an embryo inside,
Common spectacle everywhere in the world, all the same,
I was in America then, her husband, my relative and aid.

Confided in secrecy, will have a daughter in a month’s time
Thoughts went weird, Oh! the women hood brew yet again,
Double x chromosomes stirring up the ultimate truth,
Men provoke, stir the desires, women carry the burden.

Rule of nature!, agreed, the rest is worse and mammoth
Converse can never be true, even in the word of address,
When man gets away from woman, woes only literally exist,
Such is her mastery over men in word or deed, we can guess.

Monthly bleeds horrifying and  many, forget the gestation,  
From the menarche to menopause, her body in mutation,
Personnel discomfort, professional nuisance all in emotion,
Relieved when she is carrying, fresh come in slow motion.

Amenorrhea helps, hyperemesis lets her inside out in return,
Breaks down oft, body and mind in a sacrifice, for whom?
Indeed none can answer this query, motherhood truly divine,
Profitless venture, yet a thankless adventure, all wholesome!

Sandgrouse is a bird whose male partner feeds its chick
Painted Sandgrouse - eBird

I was on cloud nine when my daughter tweeted me today, 
Showering me with all the adjectives on this very day, 
Stimulus was in my brain, the soul search was easy,
My aged gray mater gave the answer for that query.

Today is a special day for all male parents, it's Father’s day, 
Yours truly included, my daughters too wished the same, 
In vogue since early last century, in the third week of June, 
A gesture, oft shadowed in the limelight of motherhood.

 So where his greatness lies, to be honored on his very Day, 
Oh! A tricky query indeed, he is not in the picture at all, 
Apart from the ceremonial christening the child, the rest,
 Is motherhood, the hardships, of labor or feeding and all. 

We oft forget his silent force, behind the back of any child,
 Physical presence of the man can trigger a fear in a house, 
He can usher goodwill, clamor for discipline in most wards, 
Oft it’s a fact, female children adore them and vice versa. 

Nature too acts likewise, father loves the female child more, 
The breadwinner in most of our land, adds its weight too, 
Men express emotions in a guided way unlike most women 
Always he is calm outside, may burn and churn inside.

We salute him for his greatness, oft misunderstood in life. 
Calm amidst the burning ship, yet with a way for a safe exit, 
A cynosure for admiration, yet not deserving the due credit. 
We salute thee for thy greatness, May thy tribe increase!
                         YET CAN HELP OTHERS TO LIVE MORE 

This poem is a homage to Anujith, who donated his heart, kidneys, eyes, small intestine and hands. 
  Anujith gives life to 8 people after death | Organ donation

An young man was in coma, a brain injury following a mishap, 
Fighting a brain damage, kith and kin with prayers in a heap, 
This noble hearted young man, all in his third decade of life, 
Yet his love for his society, exceeded beyond his age of life 

Affable, always with a heart, to help anyone, indeed a rarity, 
Confided to donate his organs after his death, with alacrity, 
Yearned for this pledge, earned the prayers, now, all in vain. 
His ambition was fulfilled, his heart restarted to beat again 

Time and again, many young die, before the destined date, 
Hoping to live long, yet tragically cut by the tenets of fate, 
Their organs die and decay, when many are in dire need, 
Families in crisis and sorrow, their demands oft unheard. 

Very few differ, do express their desire, donate in advance , 
Record the wish, unaware of the final slumber in advance, 
Many organs die young, lungs, kidneys for the twin benefit,
 Heart, liver, pancreas are vital, marrows also joins the list. 

Cornea, the pioneer, the mother of all transplants till date, 
Intestines and even skin had joined the bandwagon of late, 
Teamwork, is the password for a delicate surgical finesse, 
Swift action, the hallmark of a great achievement for sure. 

Hope such humane efforts, will spearhead in future for sure, 
A Dying human gets a rebirth, all these feats unheard before, 
We may reach the height of greatness, for a correct service 
Yet selfless acts, claim nobility with such a timely sacrifice. 
5 Ways to Help Your Business Adapt to Changing Times

We all live in an era where nothing will ever move sans computer, 
Charles Babbage did claim the paternal rights, we know for sure, 
Performance so exhilarating, two centuries since its kick starter , 
Dominating in every walk of life, astonishing our world for ever.

Radiates brilliance, it reverberates in every walk of life, we hear, 
We spent our lives so far, fine tuning our own built-in computer*, 
Lack of dexterity and fading reflexes, we, the oldies’ cup of fear, 
Ruminating our lost days, sadly saddling our clouding memoirs. 

Glimpses of the childhood, flash momentarily upon my inward eye, 
My friend sharing the same, sea change in her newspaper column, 
Our early lessons were from our parents, May this tribe increase! 
Alphabets featuring animals, sending us shock waves in between. 

Now teaching methods, laugh at our ignorance, one too many, 
Computer generated images fill the classroom, to a kids delight. 
Same tigers and lions still alive, with vigor and are more canny,
 Instead roar and jump of the screen, making us to flee in fright. 

The alphabets, still are the same, we had fear then and even now, 
Yet our kids also had the same feel too, they had the same brain, 
Our grandchildren jump with joy and pump their fist, of late now, 
Our perceptions are changing , we all wish we were young again

                                 ... a tearful homage to the unfortunate souls
[This portrait is made of photos of all the doctors and nurses in the world who lost their lives during the pandemic period] 

We build castles in air, during our entire lifetime, 
Its a humane and natural instinct, not for fame, 
Impossible and the easier ones for that matter 
Yet, they will crumble at one time or the other, 

We can digest all this, dismissing them as destiny,
 Barring the accidents, manmade or disharmony, 
Barring the diseases that our lifestyle oft invites, 
Still cherish to live enough to build more castles.

 Nature too at times, do play havoc with disasters,
 Cyclone, Tsunami, Monsoon and torrid summers,
They’ve played their roles with perfection so far, 
Trimming at will, the population explosion at par.

Microorganisms oft, do hold a Damocles sword, 
Bacteria and viruses too, do work overboard, 
Quell and suppress the hapless denizens at will, 
Sweeping them off the floor at regular interval. 

Unyielding Corona is threatening, still on the air, 
Born in China this year, now a worldwide affair, 
Captivating and crushing with relentless march, 
Killing at will, instilling insecurity beyond match.

More than a crore worldwide, is feeling its pinch, 
One in twenty already perished under its clutch, 
Social distancing denying a final farewell hugs, 
A decent burial denied for these hapless souls. 

Worse is in store for the hapless medical fraternity , 
Sworn by the Hippocratic oath, to treat the needy, 
Fifty scores of doctors, an equal number of nurses, 
Had sacrificed their lives, all in their prime careers. 

 Masking the masquerading virus, not a remedy, 
Much awaited vaccine, not yet out of the kitty, 
The search is on, the drugs on trail and on trial, 
Sense of fear growing, enveloping us without fail. 

Masks do cover one’s mouth, can’t seal it forever, 
Many die every day, our eyes quiver with fear, 
Youths die in plenty jolting a nation’s progress, 
Problems aplenty, triggering an economic crisis. 

War is not over, the battle field strewn with corpses, 
Counts by the minute, suspecting our own senses, 
None is immune at present, not even thy shadow, 
Our blind spot looms large, warning a foreshadow