I was
indeed thrilled to read the article “our
children miss the fun & frolic of yesteryear’ in the open page The Hindu dated 13-11-11.
it helped me to rewind my childhood memories. Nowadays I repeatedly brood over
the past knowing fully well that those days are never to return. Even though my
parents had six siblings and my father had to opt for Tamil Nadu govt
service,when the Indian states were divided and formed, we three brothers were unlucky to live away from parents and we lived with
our grandparents in Kerala.We had an understanding grandfather who was also a
schoolteacher and a vigilant grandma to supervise our studies.My playtime was
reduced to marbles,throw balls, Pallankuzhi, home cricket with paper rolled with
rubber bands serving as balls, Only
entertainment was all India radio cricket commentary,AND that too when our
grandma was busy in the kitchen. Cometh April, we used to board the train to be with our
parents and our siblings. Cometh June we cursed the calendar, because we had to return.We had lot of fun when we
were with our parents,
strikes me now and then when those days are rolled over in my mind.I selfishly
wish those days to return.
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