The topic of late, amidst all the forty plus aged men’s group,
And the hotly discussed casein every major health forums,
In pursuit among other gossips within the women’s soup,
Heads the doctor’s order to reduce the fat in the diet columns.
Advice oft given here in repeat, eat less and burn more fats,
Real culprit, the low density lipoproteins that carry the sterols,
Clogging the coronary vessels, the hearts in disease, says stats,
Brains in roll everywhere, for ways to stall bad cholesterols.
History rolled back, we all travelled on feet for many a century
Then came carts, bicycles, mopeds and the four wheelers,
Shortened thus our travel time, saving fat and saving energy,
Advent of communication revolution worsening the matters.
Our body fat now in accumulation, ala money, now in deposits,
Fixed fats, accumulated with interest, deposited everywhere,
Less work with more comforts in life, lifestyle now in new shifts,
The lifestyle diseases, the new sobriquet too is coined here.
The morbidity, thus starts from here, clubbing many a disease,
The graph showing a steep upward climb, unmindful of the age,
Many an adult death, in their mid forties on a sharp increase,
The writing is clear on the wall, the demon holding center stage.
Brains rolled, again in overtime, following the commoner’s plea,
The drugs in contention at best can reduce morbidity, no more,
Exercise can burn many a joule, yet not in everybody’s cup of tea,
More activity, less fat in store, the walk to health washed ashore.
Apart from thinning waistlines, boosts muscles and our bones,
Gains a control over many a disease, coordinates body encore,
Relaxing our mind with ease, oft in reverberating overtones,
The brisk walks bring better gains, the message here for sure.

And the hotly discussed casein every major health forums,
In pursuit among other gossips within the women’s soup,
Heads the doctor’s order to reduce the fat in the diet columns.
Advice oft given here in repeat, eat less and burn more fats,
Real culprit, the low density lipoproteins that carry the sterols,
Clogging the coronary vessels, the hearts in disease, says stats,
Brains in roll everywhere, for ways to stall bad cholesterols.
History rolled back, we all travelled on feet for many a century
Then came carts, bicycles, mopeds and the four wheelers,
Shortened thus our travel time, saving fat and saving energy,
Advent of communication revolution worsening the matters.
Our body fat now in accumulation, ala money, now in deposits,
Fixed fats, accumulated with interest, deposited everywhere,
Less work with more comforts in life, lifestyle now in new shifts,
The lifestyle diseases, the new sobriquet too is coined here.
The morbidity, thus starts from here, clubbing many a disease,
The graph showing a steep upward climb, unmindful of the age,
Many an adult death, in their mid forties on a sharp increase,
The writing is clear on the wall, the demon holding center stage.
Brains rolled, again in overtime, following the commoner’s plea,
The drugs in contention at best can reduce morbidity, no more,
Exercise can burn many a joule, yet not in everybody’s cup of tea,
More activity, less fat in store, the walk to health washed ashore.
Apart from thinning waistlines, boosts muscles and our bones,
Gains a control over many a disease, coordinates body encore,
Relaxing our mind with ease, oft in reverberating overtones,
The brisk walks bring better gains, the message here for sure.