Friday, November 15, 2019


Image result for a giraffe's image without any copyright issues   
Memories flashed upon my inward eye, yet again,
Sight of this giant species, indeed a spectacle,
Anytime, anywhere, breathtaking, never  in refrain,
For a sexagenarian, it remains still a receptacle.

The stimulus, a report, about these moving towers, 
The giraffe paradox, my batch mates’  reference, 
This ignition, fueling the tiring weekends’powers, 
A comparison  with human heart  in preference.  

We feel, ignorance is bliss, even worse, this reveals,  
Dwarfed  at times, aren’t we!, many  a time every day,
Many a thing we see, yet we never bother  the scales, 
So, giraffe will detail his vital statistics to our dismay
The tallest mammal on land, Oh! thrice your height,
Two hundred stones and heavier than my fair lady,
Neck, my supreme organ, two feet long serves right,  
Nuchal thrust aids my feast, leaves falling as prey .  
Purplish prehensile tongue, imparting  powerful ways,
Leaves helping me instead, giving me  the hydration,
Few sips here and there quenches my thirst, for days,
Long neck helping the natural pollen dissemination,

Heart, my power horse, pumps one liter every second,
Ten times your own heart’s power, indeed  a miracle, 
The jugulars with valves prevent a vascular rebound,
The rete mirabile  stalls the fluctuant cerebral debacle. 

These ossicones, I gain more over her for supremacy,
Horns help me ‘Necking’ her in the duel that ensues, 
She conceives mostly once in her life time, for months,
Fifteen months gestation, my baby falling from height.  
Our kids mostly die in first year, once born, active soon,
I consume more, seventy pounds every day, all leaves,
I do have four chambered stomach, I take heavy lunch, 
 My speed, over thirty miles, leaves you gasping for sure.

 I know I am hunted, yet ,face to face, I can even kill a lion,
Unlike you, I live only half your life, my sojourn so short,
I score over  you, so much, our  lady feeds  many a calf,  
We move as tower, stand tall in charisma, how about you?  

one stone  equals 14pounds, tower = usually they move in a group of giraffe,   ossicones means rudimentary horns,  necking =pushing  the female with horns,calf pool = all female giraffe feeding  any calves irrespective of  original mother 

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