Friday, July 9, 2021


Darkness everywhere, caught unawares, heavy rains made me sweat instead

Suddenly, the thought, just a momentary darkness provoked me to  ponder,

Three centuries before, our ancestors had not seen the nights so illuminated, 

 As we see today, Edison’s invention had brought meanings to our life so far. 

The carbon filament under extreme heat, overcame its resistance to glow long

This invention changed the entire values of a night, adding the life an ambition,

 Vacuum inside the glass made its life easier giving a long lease but less strong, 

Tungsten replaced the carbon, argon gas filled the space for a quick ignition.


 Incandescent bulbs lost its way in the modern era, durability decided its destiny,

 Mercury, phosphorus stole the show, credibility overpowered the poorer cousin, 

 Filaments, like human life die after sometime, we call them fused not as dead, 

 Some get fused soon, others last long, a la human life, teach us a lesson or two. 

Our sojourn here somewhat similar, we all are born with a purpose so unaware,

What we become in our life varies, we should never think one is superior or inferior

Here was an officer just retired from an influential post loitering lonely in the park,

 Restless, having no company, unaware of the surround and in a pensive mood. 


There were few old men moving at will chatting and rejoicing in the evening sun.

 Suddenly an old man came in to accompany this officer and were soon in chat,

 The old man queried about the whereabouts of the officer and the posts he held,

 Officer eloquently loathed about the posts he held and the status he enjoyed.


 Old man quietly heard all his story fully, then stated the high position he held once

 What more, he singled out each one of the oldies in the park, narrating their status,

 Their retirements, named the high offices they held, to the dismay of the officer,

 Bringing down the officer’s pride to touch the earth, downsizing his bloated ego.

Gave the officer the much needed advice ,to level him and also for the world alike,

Our life should have a meaning, our jobs are for our livelihood, so too others jobs,

Till then we’re like a glowing bulb, depending upon thy watts to enlighten the show, 

Once retired, we are like fused bulbs, all burnt out, however powerful the bulb was.

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