Wednesday, June 2, 2010


Rose in Splendor, beautifully pretty,
Dangers lurking in near proximity,
Thorns surround n vigilant guard,
Thwarting the eager militant ward

Life in simily, Grace and in bounty,
Thorny says ahead, more in plenty,
Treading uneasy, indeed a venture,
Route always a vacillating adventure

Sperms in wriggle, periodic in race,
Nonchalant in speed, swift and grace,
Escape plugged in uterine exit down,
Trail ragged, upwards, hence in frown

Burdened and stamped with male trait,
Searching an eager ovum in long await,
Sliding along the undulated fallow,
Copulating in gay at its fimbrial hollow.

Mating in rejoice in corner very remote,
Slating a name, fame and new, the zygote,
Embedded in a safety, engrossed in growth,
Hormones in guide, control so smooth.

The maiden arrest in a maiden utero,
Forty weeks in sustain, in prenatal halo,
Here begins the arrest more in chain,
Many in store and pursuit with disdain.

Infancy, intriguing ever, ever inquisitive,
Eager in enthuse in enthrall, educative,
Toddlers life, indeed a pack of cards,
In grizzle always with slips and retards

Kisses so countless in repeat and shower,
Tendered with care and love, like a flower,
Mothered and nested, watched in close vigil,
Shielded with caution, saving many a peril.

Lullabies in exit, rhymes stammer and ring,
Ballads in wings, sonnets on song,
Newtons on view, mendels in constant surge,
Titles in need, laurels in converge.

Nghts indeed bright, oils often set on fire,
Sleep on vocation, burning in desire,
Eyes endlessly sore, tears in arrest,
Learning with lust, never given a rest.

Exuding vigour, exciting sweet in teen,
Organs in pink, blooming with sheen,
Androgens in sight, set out in flight,
Search for oestrogen with all might.

Blowing hot in love, minds in unrest,
Binding and blending, like or detest,
Wedlock aims a lick in love forever,
Arrest or eloping, or a flee, over.

Bathed in Love, couples, all over the moon,
Honey is bitter now, sure, sore too soon,
Hassles follow in suit, tussles, tears galore,
Rows and tows more ending in furore.

Ego and love can marry, never so good a pair,
Days in turmoil, peeved in lives in despair,
Family worse, split, divorce in mental rift,
Forget, forgive, these passwords in drift.

Three scored of years soon do evanesce,
Frames frail, ail and in aged convalesce,
Lost in valour, minds in dull and adrift,
Limbs writhing, limp, no more swift.

Senescence in rule, motions in slow retard,
Body in all arrest, in utter disregard,
Crippled, crumpled, wrinkled like a dry leaf,
Pundits, pauper alike, everyone in grief.

Years in swift roll, sunset certainly imminent,
Evenings in count and convertly evident,
Sunken, shrunken plight, trunk, often in wail,
Sepulcher in wait, laments no avail.

Call from skies surely not very far,
Creeking wheels halt, doors open ajar,
Final arrest in process and alas over,
Souls set free, body resting forever.

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