Discoveries too enlighten the world and metamorphoses the myths and beliefs,
Here is a scientist par excellence, a teacher nonpareil, a human truly humane,
A simple man to the core, humility his forte, this is Prof: Abdul Kalam for you.
From a humble beginning, climbing the hard way to the very pinnacle of glory,
From the huts of Rameshwaram, through the Space to the Rashtrapathi Bhavan
His style so simple, ideas vivacious, amalgamating life, practicals with theory,
Courteous, generous, and considerate, he is a man with great vision on a mission.
A vision for exploring the Indian expedition of space, all dreams coming true,
An indomitable penchant for sharing wisdom, and imparting his knowledge,
An insatiable hunger for teaching, unsurpassed till now, until this sudden fate
Truly, celestial call came while addressing the management sect of wards.
He lived by example, he wished to be remembered as a teacher, like the saying,
An ordinary teacher tells, a good teacher explains, superior one demonstrates,
But a great teacher inspires the whole generation of students to tread wisely
Over the past five decades, he preached the beacon of knowledge to the students.
Mortal remains are no more, may he be lying in state forever at Rameshwaram,
But his soul will not remain detached, his legacy will be reverberating eternally,
His life is simple, what all he learned he didn't take it abode, left it to the students,
A scientist that he is, now on an expedition to closely explore the heavenly planets
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