Monday, September 9, 2019

Scientists think-tank in their annual meet had indeed a weird thinking
To know the genetic pedigree of men in politics, was the main subject,
Whether their genes carry a trait, an ever eluding enigma, so amusing,
Why them, also pondered many a level headed scholars in total abject.
Whoever put this idea, had a laugh within, in a lighter vein in repeats.
This perplexed many a scientist abroad to have their nose sharpened,
Recently the American President was serving food to all in Id feasts
Will this ever occur in India, the patriotic fans getting disheartened.
Can this happen in our country with no escorts, no fanfare or tantrum,
These men are a different breed, their descriptions beyond dictionary.
Seen everywhere, like the air we can feel them, we cannot hold them,
You may be his neighbor, feigns as your friend, yet never in necessity.

They have enormous memory of oft repeated events of their enemies,
Forgetting the commonest ones, their diary holding all the vital events.
They preside over and talk in academic meets with consummate ease,
They are usually school discards, branded illiterates or recycled brains.

Once a minister wanted more such ports when praising road transports,
Many of them do not know the commonly known words or disciplines,
These gentlemen often clad in white, extraordinarily stiff and in pleats,
The dress codes may vary from state to state, motives all in same lines.

They show enormous energy to convene conventions and party meets
Field time for fund collections, just a call over mobile to all the donor,
The funds arrive in stacks in return for resolving the donor’s quagmires
A transfer to the place of choice, a promotion to a higher post in tenor.

Their modes often differ, moods differ, offers differ, coffers swell later
For selection of state job or advantage post- retirement conundrums,
Favors may appear natural, yet the repercussions do echo much later,
Always have the henchmen with imposture of  his deceitful intentions.

Marriage halls too their place of  choice, arriving  at break neck speeds,
Meets people, lamenting and cementing his business of future offers,
Handling the garlands to the couple, at times and posing too for snaps,
Hoping to refresh his presence and ensuring routes for his new coffers.

Most of them do join the ruling party or break away  to form a portion,
Interest always eyeing for power within, at best, aiming a pivotal  post ,
One  moment of discontent  is just enough to flare up their intention,
Alphabets are ready to coin the existing ones, attaching to their toast.

Gone are the days of, country above self attitudes, here we too partake,
Agreed.the prime posts indeed never come easily, so too power and pelf,
As a profession it has  always to be admired, the whole nation is at stake,
Now Politricks  at a low ebb, the need is a father of the nation above self.

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