Curiously I
changed this proverb to my liking, surely not without a reason,
A doctor in the habit of viewing the eyes for the subtle changes in color,
Oft commonly watching crows more often than not, here is a deviation,
When one spares the sight from the routine,
other interests fall in favor.
Of late, my habits are intriguing to the ornithologist
friend, truly in plenty,
Watching the
hummingbird with interest, in united
states, in my sojourn
Yours truly is
never a photographer, senility hampers my innate satiety
Naked eyes, hide
the finer moment ,when object distances from your run.
Ruminating my
youth, when birds do make a flying entry in our backyard ,
From the cuckoo
singing mellifluously, irritating oft by my own imitation,
Dejected after
hearing, the bored male partner leaving for a better bard,
Visits by the noisy
mynah feeding on our kitchen waste, was an addition.
The rare kites and the gracious pigeons lifting the dead
rats or the grains.
The visits to the pond helped me to sight the herons or
the kingfishers
the rare egrets make some splashes in a covert bird
lover, without pains,
The sparrows chirp a bit now and then, oft the crows are
our scavengers.
My visit to see peacock
in zoo, awesome sight leaving my eyes in freeze,
A seven year old,
to the seventh decade now, its the sight of my lifetime,
These sights
buried deep in me, till I saw this humming birds in spree,
Just a second, my sight, flew in front to the nearest tree for its fuel time.
The smallest long distance avian migrant, between the forests
and desert
Summer and winter homes, nectar filling stations in between the flight,
Named after Greek muse Calliope, oft feeds on insects for
its dessert.
Beats wings so fast in its
entire flights, thus earning the famed sobriquet.
চমৎকার !বাংলায় ইংরেজী গ্রামার শিখতে এখানে ক্লিক করুন ।