Was seven years, when I had my very first visit to the zoo,
The next
zoo visit was the recent San Deigo refresher
reception was awesome ,nature at its delightful too
memories reinforced were splendid and spectacular,
Scenes that followed were the natures paradise
in full.
Fascinated by the brilliantly colored scenes at
the entrance,
The moment I reached this, a scream I heard, in
The rest of my sight came to a standstill , for
a mettle
The first meet of our national bird in his
majestic show
A spectacle so sudden, breathtaking kept my eyes in freeze,
From a seven year old then, to the seventh
decade citizen now
Remains still the sight of my lifetime and be
forever .
A brilliance of the majestic peacock on a
sparkling thrill.
A bevy of them in a stutter, a thin neck girth with
a length,
When I heard the weird scream, its cry in full
Of this
majestic creature on the earth, its sole blemish.
His ornate train of feathers, fanning spectacularly
royal .
Blue, green, brown and indeed
golden against the backdrop
eyespots shimmering in delight, an electrifying sight
Sun wading through the wings to
cast a spectacular reign.
All the angels in full flow, the
nature at its resplendent best
Dancing with the twirling hind feathers, a sight
to behold.
The blue crested heads ,and a display of
metallic blue necks
Courting in celebration, an expression of rituals of love,
gather, provoking the trains for an earthly spectacle,
They say, it foretells oncoming rains with its sizzling dance,
Keep its
fallen plumage, and a wait for a boon of
facts in mythology, told in folktale, may enhance.
That dug my thoughts of the daffodils and the
immortal poet,
A joy beyond the words in my armory, and a mood
Made me more vibrant, jump with vigor, a
refreshing epithet,
Vault of the heaven and stars, the nature at its
divine best,.
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