We build houses one or two, choice, needs
or life style may differ, funds the decider,
The loss of it, even a mere thought, it brings one a state of
despondency and despair
Compare a thirteen hundred gram human brain suffering the
ignominy of this disaster
To a twenty gram swallow often losing her shelter, many a
times in a human dweller.
This cheerful warbled
national bird of Austria is one, immensely migrating too, as well,
Having a steel blue top and a white lower part, this barn
loving avian, flies with sense
This swallow never likes the ground, flies with immense flair
with memory so immense.
Prefers barns and human dwells, males choosing the spot, she starts her dream house,
The longer the tail is, the stronger the Chimney swallow
becomes, their life it foretells
Literally its tail up, males do a cock a hoop, with a long
tail, oft the females’ weak spot,
She too has a curiously forked legendary tail, a curse for a stealth
of celestial hearth.
A good predictor of rains, loves and blends with human
building for its kids’ safe dwell.
Cup sized nests in houses, garage, it makes with mud pellets, sometimes go unnoticed,
Our lady got excited to see one such on her ceiling, too disturbing a sight for her kin
Her nests removed many a time, yet the avian revisiting and
restarting unperturbed.
She kept an innovative cage, aesthetic one too, expecting the
bird, sans muddy sight.
The bird makes a glancing visit, inspects the man made nest, Oh
a truly attractive outfit ,
The bait failed, the bird stopped its visit, the worried
friend now ruing, to the hilt,
Something struck in a flash, the barns kept in small stacks, a
milieu interior as the bait,
The bait and wait clicked, the swallow did return, so too our
lady’s gleaming sight.
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