Saturday, November 13, 2021


 A tearful homage to the unfortunate souls 

[This portrait is made of photos of all the 

 doctors and nurses in the world  who lost their 

lives during the pandemic period

Many castles we build in air, during our entire life,

 Its a humane and natural instinct, not for fame,

 Impossible and the easier ones for that matter,

  Yet, they will crumble at one time or the other.

 We can digest all this, dismissing them as destiny,

 Barring the accidents, manmade or disharmony,

 Barring the diseases that our lifestyle oft invites,

 Still cherish to live enough to build more castles.


 Nature too at times, do play havoc with disasters,

 Cyclone, Tsunami, Monsoon and torrid summers,

 They’ve played their roles with perfection so far,

 Trimming at will, the population explosion at par.  

 Microorganisms oft, do hold a Damocles sword, 

 Bacteria and viruses too, do work overboard, 

 Quell and suppress the hapless denizens at will,

 Sweeping them off the floor at regular interval.  


Unyielding Corona is threatening, still on the air,

Born in China this year, now a worldwide affair,                                                                 

Captivating and crushing with relentless march, 

Killing at will, instilling insecurity beyond match.   


More than a crore worldwide, is feeling its pinch,

One in twenty already perished under its clutch,

Social distancing denying a final farewell hugs,

 A decent burial denied for these hapless souls.  


Worse is in store for the hapless medical fraternity,

Sworn by the Hippocratic oath, to treat the needy, 

 Fifty scores of doctors, an equal number of nurses,  

Had sacrificed their lives, all in their prime careers.                                                                

Masking the masquerading virus, not a remedy, 

Much awaited vaccine, not yet out of the kitty, 

The search is on, the drugs on trail and on trial,

Sense of fear growing, enveloping us without fail.  

Masks do cover one’s mouth, can’t seal it forever,

Many die every day, our eyes quiver with fear,

Youths die in plenty jolting a nation’s progress,

 Problems aplenty, triggering an economic crisis.

War is not over, the battle field strewn with corpses

Counts by the minute, suspecting our own senses,

None is immune at present, not even thy shadow, 

Our blind spot looms large, warning a foreshadow

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