The title appears weird, oft so bemusing and bewildering,
Common man
is perplexed, so too the medical
faces in gloom as one hears of this in full swing,
neurologist, the oculists all summoned in unity.
They do meet eye
to eye, oft when the diagnosis in doubt.
The persons, of
any age, young or old, no sex is immune,
headache for a protracted time reigns instead,
Patients all in distress, the medicos in all
choked in vain.
Many a time a
common plight, opinions differ and dither,
Neurologist claims
a lesion in brain, none refutes too.
Scan, screening
reveals a doubt, none certifying for sure,
Oculists joins
the chorus scoping, hoping a fundus
Choked disc in
medical parlor is Papilloedema’s nick name,
fluid in brain, has a block in its smooth drain,
Causing the
headache, an Achilles’ heel for medical team,
Pupils behave normally,
vision not in stress ,patients in pain.
Clinical sign
spins around the Optic disc, portends a picture,
Nerve head in
swell, veins engorged, in dismay, oft in bleed,
Artery in question
pulsate on demand, a gloomy picture,
Tumor in sight or
a hypertension may reveal the true creed.
All said and
done, a bed side aid revels at the zero
armamentarium for help on an urgent demand,
You can trust
your own eyes, to decide the cause for sure,
A noble tool oft ignored, yet it reigns for a shrewd reward.
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