OUR BODY… by Word of mouth or truth
Wondered a moment, a novice queried my body systems,
Sounded funny to a man practicing it for half a
An innocuous doubt, all it
seemed at the outset, it seems
Amateur asking the
champion, a great innovative query.
Which organ or body fluids
smells sweet to one in duress,
This was the query, he
asked me, leaving me speechless,
Was pondering for hours,
my Physiology was in distress,
Thoughts of our organs and
their fluids began to caress.
Sense organs, hit my
brains first, tears and sweat are salty,
Urines, vomitus and feces unbearable, inducing a nemesis,
Nasal discharges and waxy
ears aren’t pleasant either, truly.
The dentine oft hide some food part provoking a halitosis.
Was perplexed by this
complex body , we carry everyday,
Care our body, do carry
all odors wanted or unwanted,
Endless boasts, talks
rubbish, forgetting these wastes daily,
Yes, the only sweet that
comes from us must be ensured.
So our tongue conquers all
our ugliness and be our master,
The nine wastes will
continue forever, even after our death
Words spoken can add as
tenth waste or change your fame,
Watch out thy tongue, the
only sweet they can spell forever.
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