Thursday, October 11, 2018

good-health-1-1024x693 2 - Konstantinos Charantiniotis

The seven wonders of this universe ,we cherish with pride
The sweats behind those great monuments, we do respect
Man hours and the light years in labor and the creative tide
These wonders reveal the beauty, nature assures the rest.

They boast the artistry of mankind, truly, a love at first sight,
Mother nature goes a step higher, keeps them as monument,
Aids the mankind to keep them too for a long stay, fully fit,
Preaches everyone, the bible for good health every moment.

The glorious sun, oft not ones’ liking ,it is nevertheless true,
Awesome, yet true, the monarch and custodian of all health,
Scorching heat, purifies the air, helps to build vitamin store,
Darkens cuticle, helping to keep neoplasm away in stealth.

We can’t leave this to live a moment without its presence,
Vital cog isn’t it, the oxygen ,the mans’ source of strength,
The staleness and lethargy never in man, in its presence,
Exchange of gases, so vital indeed to keep one fit at length.

Water, Mother earth has indeed three fourth of this factor,
This vital cog, sans this, one cannot even think for a moment,
All the functions of the human body ,water forms the vector,
Cools the system, hydrates the skin and all cells with intent.

These will not make a man live, but help him build his base,
Sans diet, the base never lasts , indeed it provides the fuel,
The energy pump in health, to combat the stress in disease,
The immunity and the extra ammunition to fight the duel.

All food and no work makes you chubby and disease prone,
All work and no play, a sitting duck for many life style ails,
The earned fat be burnt and the rest stored in muscle tone,
Exert your muscles and exercise in routine never fails.

All said and done, body needs sound rest after a hard day,
To rebuild thy stores of proteins, to replace worn out cells
Sleep, indeed a boon and a magic potion, wise man’s say ,
These six angels keep you fit and live without many pills.

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