Thursday, October 11, 2018


Flying Kites comparison | Kite Fly
The sky, crystal clear in glitter, in all its bluish white splendor,
Sun in an encouraging mood, speeding for its evening flight.
Entertainment of the summer, an annual event in grandeur,
Thousands in steady flight, a carnival for the kite flying sight,

All in gather to witness this treat , truly cheerful, and vibrant,
Kites, countless beyond our dreams, designs, all spectacular,
Tails, vacillating in rhythm, linchpin thread shining in sunshine,
Ah! a flash twined in my brain watching this great evening fun.

Ruminating the next few minutes over our schooling days,
Teachers, infuse the basics, we the kites fly nonchalantly,
Small or big, colorful galore, they mold us to fly lofty ways,
Groomed from the available sources, enduring hardships.

Our successful leap, their aim and sky was the tallest target,
Painstaking devotion their assets, as we drape in our pink.
Some flew high, soared and peaked , a few became the rear
They stood in silence, correcting the weak and their chink.

Schools differ in ways ,but medical schools are truly better,
Impart knowledge selflessly, implant in us, the skills in turn
Instilling healing touch, brings smiles on the ailing faces,
To the delight of kith and kin, the best reward in return.

Nobody is born great here, truth will remain so for ever
Keeping head aloft and flying high in the sky of adversity,
We need teachers, yes, our parents included, in top gear,
Playing a stellar role, in shaping the kites in us in integrity.

Our personal pinnacle once secure, rarely do we look down
From our exalted heights, forgetting the strength of thread.
As kites, the life is short, wind and rain all halt our ascend,
We live only once, make the best , be humble and selfless,

Seeing only the heights ,but the humble teacher forgotten,
Amidst the new threads of knowledge, there he stands tall.
Counting still and making new kites with mounting hunger,
His appetite never in satiation, aiming them greater heights.

Teachers nonpareil, respect them all, alive or dead forever,
Molding our psyche, for any giant leap for a lifetime game,
On this very day, we, the kites do worship them and revere
Indeed with our heart and soul, for divinity is their surname.

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