Wednesday, October 10, 2018


Home | Journal of Blood Pressure and Hypertension | Open Access

We, the self proclaimed geniuses of treating the ailing people all around,
Think a bit! Do all of us like the subjects  during our medical graduations,
Only a few will testify our likes for biochemistry, yours truly never sound,
Later we all realize there is nothing inside our body, other than reactions.

Refreshing our worn out memory, four main elements do the lion share,
The Oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen claiming  all but four percent,
Breathe in oxygen, combines with hydrogen forming water, to be fair,
Out goes with the carbon, but nitrogen of the plants gives us  protein..

Water, the basic solvent, the apt solution for many a chemical reaction
Without these, the life becomes extinct, we can never think a second
 Calcium, forms the literal backbone, the trace elements share the rest,
 We indeed  forgetting  how our own body do functions every second.

Copper, the trace element, the pivot in  foetus, in enzymes and proteins
Even, iron an element vital for oxy-redox  functions need them pretty ,
Cellular functions, immune systems top, also for heart and melanins,
Glucose, collagen need them, phosphorus adds to bone for its density.

Vital elements in metabolic derangements and impulse transmissions,
Sodium, potassium, the in things that define electrical stimuli of heart
Tantalum and titanium the elements for cardiac stents in angioplasty,
These elements work wonders for the ailing hearts for its fast recovery.

Any reaction, the batting of eyelid, the reactions of the limbs in harmony
The itch, anger, the sleep or the smiles are the outcome of chemistry era
At its best, the hormones, the enzymes and the negative ion symphony,
Do perpetuate the cascade of events that leads to the body orchestra.

Now the funny side , we, after all are human too, ever fond of riches,
Cornering them, chase, appear to conquer them in all walks of life,
Ever delighted to show them too, exhibiting  our social stigma pitches
 Gold covering every inch of the torso, not forgetting the teeth in strife

The hair line show up the rare element of silver ,we paint to look best ,
The accidents do occur, bones in tatter, for the stability we grope for,
Lead leads the combo, of course not in view, so too titanium the best,
Radium tops the list, the barium not far behind, screens deep and far

 The behind- the- screen show, the implants, the gadgets we wear,
 Life without these is unthinkable, we’re born with many elements
 We, the elements  make them, use them within and out, We swear,
 Guiding these back to our graves , soil gets back its recycling elements

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