Wednesday, October 10, 2018

                                          ~ A soul search 

How to Have a perfect mind and a perfect life - Worldviews Magazine

Where is our mind? My daughter’s baffling query shook me to no end,
Her startling doubt while tutoring her, Oh!took my winds off the sail,
Same query did my father in, while in my teens, yet it was unanswered,
Many a decade passed, still the medico in me searching without fail.

Our rich heritage, our saints’ legacy that still lingers, we thank their soul
Envisaged to doctor our labile mind through penance with discipline
Patanljali, pioneered the control of Prana to tame the body, mind and soul
Kanad went even a step further, mind, an element among the famed nine  

Generations many rolled, this query rhymes, and chimes in debates,
Neurologists pondered, wondered for a reply, more neurons in dismay,
Man landed on the moon, in mars too, none discovered the site of mind.
Spirituality and science too in tandem failed, their efforts all in disarray.

Why then, this renewed interest rejuvenated in my mind, I smell the rat
Good pal of mine queried me for a verse about my enigmatic query
I caught the loose strings of dissentions of a weird topic, oft in wide spat
Hence this preface, for a definitive soul search began in all earnest way.

The presence of air, its vital components too we know, only can all feel
A life sans oxygen we, the homo sapiens cant’ breathe off for a second
Water, our body has three fourth of it, we can see it in and out as well
Rest of our body has carbons, but metals and mineral in traces all around.

Yet one can’t’ create a man when all these are outsourced in a factory
Machine man can never think, hence our mind is unique and obscure
Epitomes the power of the mind and thought, the essence of life and misery
Separates the human from the beast suo moto, as the civilized creature.

Hunger, greed and power, the wild outscores over the hapless human,
The innate ability for a thought process, emotional reign and outthink
The greatness of human mind explains volumes of its crafty terrain
The place of thinking, its dwell, a mystery yet unfolded in true pink.

The mind to remind you, has plusses and minuses blend intricately
A split second decisions and hasty acts are its impulsive outcomes
Thinking too much never brings the best out of labored mind finally
Crooked thoughts never fetch profits always, more downfall ensues.

All said and done certain mysteries are bound to remain in nature
The more one tries to unfurl them, the more complicated they remain
Our mind is one such, a bliss to boast, yet I can’t’ replicate truly your
Are thou convinced, this verse is easier than our mind, hence I refrain

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