Every object under the sun teaches us something new
Ignoring their notice inadvertently, we count our days
Big or small, puny or robust, we brush them aside too
And proclaim hierarchy oft, of our halcyon days .
The other day, my friend wished me, a funny greet,
This morning wish was through a pair of footwear,
The mode startled me, no end for a second at least,
Was quick enough to grasp the motive, it did confer.
Barefooted at birth, mostly never, never after that,
We use gadget soft, sole motive being, our comfort,
Shoes or the slippers, worn, to safe guard our feet,
Spare no thoughts, head to foot about discomfort,
Never for a second, we think high of them each day,
Keep them at the exit, some indoors, sans respect
These lowly rated gadgets go unnoticed everyday,
When a needle hurts us, we ponder and respect.
Think of a misplaced shoe or a broken ones, in search.
Hours lost in search, so too our life, sans partner,
A life without a partner, a laa lost shoe, sans direction,
Fail to notice the pair while in use, so too our marital life,
The one without the other is non-existent, loses its charm,
May get another but never the same, with exceptions,
These shoes are humble, whatever be, they do no harm
They stay put on the ground, in low profile, down to earth.
Thy character never dies, humility never follows your death,
They teach a lesson, all our riches stop away from our grave
They reverberate about thy greatness even after thy death,
Power and pelf fade with ashes, fame and name stay in rave
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