Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Bald Eagles Found Nesting in Arizona Saguaro Cactus for First Time in  Decades | Smart News | Smithsonian Magazine
Oft we do watch and admire the felicity, these birds possess,
Truly in awe at times with zeal, our eyes looking so jealous,
Despising the nature for not granting man, the power of flight,
Every creature has its greatness, indeed a beholding sight!

The other day I did watch for a second, this spectacular scene,
Hen feeding the chicks under her watchful eyes, all so serene,
My lids batted a second, in the next, Oh! The hen gone forever,
Saw nothing, both conqueror and the vanquished nowhere,

An eagle seen in the distant sky, the hapless hen in captive
Accolades for the ferocity, so too for the felicity of the move
The eagle taught me many a lesson that day, I still admire,
A true leader, its lifespan, a model to emulate and inspire.

Eagles vision is unmatched, more far sight in comparison.
Five times the human vision, and precision in execution,
Leaders should possess foresight, focused in integration,
Nip the divisive elements within, at large with precision,

Feeds on fresh meat, never be a scavenger, sets a standard
Leaders must infuse new blood, never follow beaten tread
Fearless, peerless, only pair with eagles, their real hallmark,
Leaders, set goals to achieve them setting their benchmark.

Leaders empower their skills to guide his team to stardom,
During adversity, mould the bench strength to self esteem,
May too have worse times, yet the best comes out in stress,
Remember the spider and the exiled king, to attain success.

Storms may brew, slashing and leaving all matter to tatters
Eagles drift the gale wisely to its feathers for its smooth sail,
Rub their beak and sharpen its talons in hibernation months
Cajoles the body, recoups vitality to extend its life by months

Partner selection not by love, indeed by tests of significance
Skills matter, male tested to exhibit the proof of endurance
Home first, love next, thoughts beyond human imagination,
Males must prepare the nest, hard work beyond comparison.

Leaders too, to be true in love, the nation above self, show,
Instill more patriotism, lead by example, rest will follow,
We learn this great message, loyal in endurance, and in pair,
Live to share love and mishaps, not to ditch them in despair.

Eaglets too spared not, mother drops them down from height,
Forcing the art of flying in the hardest way, with hindsight ,
A succeeded eaglet will survive, the failed have a fatal story
Eagle teaches us lessons ,so too nature ,shaping thy destiny

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